generateActions(actionGenesis) ⇒ ActionStruct
A higher-order function that mirrors the supplied actionGenesis structure, returning an ActionStruct, injecting generated action creators that are decorated with their coresponding action types.

A Closer Look diagrams this process. Examples can be found throughout the Dev Guide, starting with Basics.

Param Type Description
actionGenesis ActionGenesis an "organizational" JSON structure that defines one or more action creators, with implicitly defined action types (gleaned from the structure itself).

Returns: ActionStruct - an action structure (a mirror of actionGenesis), with generated action creators that are decorated with their cooresponding action types.

generateActions.root(actionGenesis) ⇒ ActionStruct
The generateActions.root() function is identical to generateActions(), except it returns the single root node of the ActionStruct, rather than the entire structure. This is useful for projects that organize their actions in seperate JavaScript modules (see Action Promotion).

Param Type Description
actionGenesis ActionGenesis an "organizational" JSON structure that defines one or more action creators, with implicitly defined action types (gleaned from the structure itself). For generateActions.root(), this is expected to contain a single root node (which will be returned).

Returns: ActionStruct - the root action structure (a mirror of actionGenesis), with generated action creators that are decorated with their cooresponding action types.

ratifyFn(...args) ⇒ args
An optional hook of ActionMeta to validate and/or default action creator parameters.

  • validation is accomplished by app-specific means (typically thrown exceptions)

  • default parameters are accomplished by applying default semantics and returning the arguments

Please refer to Parameter Validation and Defaulting Parameters for complete examples.

Param Type Description
...args * the parameters to this function should match that of the action creator it is defining

Returns: args - an array of the arguments passed in (potentially defaulted). NOTE: You should never attempt to return the built-in arguments array-like object for two reasons: 1. applied defaults are NOT reflected in arguments, and 2. arguments are not bound to arrow functions.

ActionNode(...args) ⇒ Action
ActionNode is a generated action creator function that lives as a JSON node in the ActionStruct.

The ActionNode promotes it's action type through a string coercion of the action creator function itself (i.e. the function's toString() has been overloaded).

A Closer Look diagrams the action-u formal types.

Param Type Description
...args * the parameters are app-specific to this action type.

Returns: Action - a standard redux Action, specific to this action type.

ActionGenesis : JSON
ActionGenesis is a JSON meta structure (used by generateActions()) that provides the master definition for the generated ActionStruct, promoting one or more action creators and types.

A Closer Look diagrams the action-u formal types.

  • The structure is app-specific and can employ depth to highlight inner-relationships between various action creators.

  • Ultimately the structure defines one or more action creator function nodes. Each of these nodes promote:

    • the action creator function itself, and

    • the action type, which is implicitly gleaned from the containing JSON structure node accumulation (ex: 'widget.fetch')

  • Nodes containing an actionMeta property define an ActionNode (i.e. an action creator).

    • The resultant corresponding node will be an action creator function. The characteristics of this function is further defined by actionMeta sub-properties (see ActionMeta).

    • The action type is implied from the containing JSON structure node accumulation (ex: 'widget.fetch.complete') and is promoted through a string coercion of the action creator function itself (i.e. the function's toString() has been overloaded).

  • All other nodes are merely intermediate nodes that organize (i.e. add meaning) to the overall shape of the promoted actions. In the example below, widget is an intermediate node (i.e. it is not an action creator).

  • Note that even ActionNodes may in turn contain sub-structure (i.e. subordinate actions). In the example below, widget.fetch(selCrit) is an action creator, an yet contains subordinate actions: widget.fetch.complete(widget).

Example (showing a standard set of fetch/complete/fail actions)

  widget: {
    fetch: {
                  actionMeta: {
                    traits: ['selCrit']
      complete: {
                  actionMeta: {
                    traits: ['widget']
      fail: {
                  actionMeta: {
                    traits: ['err']

ActionMeta : JSON
An ActionMeta is a sub-node (named actionMeta) in the ActionGenesis that identifies it's parent as being an ActionNode (i.e. an action creator).

A Closer Look diagrams the action-u formal types.

Supported properties of ActionMeta are:


Name Type Description
traits Array.<string> An array of names that serve BOTH as the:
  • expected parameter names of the action creator
  • and the Action property names (returned from the action creator)
  • When NO `traits` property is supplied, the Action merely has NO properties (other than it's `type` [of course]).
Please refer to the Basics discussion for complete examples.
ratify ratifyFn An optional hook to validate and/or default action creator parameters.
When NO ratify function is supplied, only simple validation is performed (ex: the number of arguments supplied). Please refer to Parameter Validation and Defaulting Parameters for complete examples.
thunk function An action creator function that promotes a thunk. When thunk is used, no other ActionMeta properties are allowed. Please refer to Thunk Action Creators for a complete description.

ActionStruct : JSON
ActionStruct is a JSON stucture which is a key aspect of action-u. It:

  • implicitly defines your action types,
  • instinctively groups related actions,
  • and seamlessly promotes both action creators and types throughout your application.

ActionStruct is a generated JSON run-time structure (output from generateActions()) that promotes a series of action creators and types in an app-specific structure (mirroring the shape of the ActionGenesis).

A Closer Look diagrams the action-u formal types.

  • The structure is app-specific and can employ depth to highlight inner-relationships between various action creators.

  • The structure defines one or more ActionNodes (i.e. action creator functions). Each ActionNode encapsolates BOTH the action creator and it's type.

    • The action creator function (the node itself) accepts the desired parameters and returns a newly created action.

    • The action type is implied from the containing JSON structure node accumulation (ex: 'widget.fetch.complete') and is promoted through a string coercion of the action creator function itself (i.e. the function's toString() has been overloaded).

  • All other nodes are merely intermediate nodes that organize (i.e. add meaning) to the overall shape of the promoted actions. In the example below, widget is an intermediate node (i.e. it is not an action creator).

  • Note that even ActionNodes may in turn contain sub-structure (i.e. subordinate actions). In the example below, widget.fetch(selCrit) is an action creator, an yet contains subordinate actions: widget.fetch.complete(widget).

Example (showing a standard set of fetch/complete/fail actions)

  widget: {
    fetch(selCrit): {      // action creator (impl omitted) - type promoted via string coercion of funct
      complete(widget): {} // action creator (impl omitted) - type promoted via string coercion of funct
      fail(err): {}        // action creator (impl omitted) - type promoted via string coercion of funct

Action : Object
A standard redux Action object that drives the reduction process.


Name Type Description
type string The action type.
whatever * Additional app-specific payload (as needed).

results matching ""

    No results matching ""